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I'm willing to bet that most website owners do not even know what social bookmarking, not to mention how you can use to perform its website to increase sales, subscribers and returning visitors. But you know why you're reading this article. Get ready for marketing to drive the next wave of the Internet.
Everyone knows that a bookmark is a piece of paper what makes, so you can easily find. Most people know that a computer bookmark is a linkcomputer, a Web page is selected, you can easily find it again.
A bookmark is a link that points to a web page so you can easily find it again, but even so you can share with others, usually by sending one of several dozen social bookmarking sites.
Social bookmarking is all the rage these days, with sites like Digg and command a presence among the top traffic generators on the Internet. People want their "find bookmarks, andto show how their "devil" for others. Therefore, Bookmarking, Social Bookmarking well.
Webmaster of hope, the attention of Internet users today must understand and recognize the chief characters phenomenal opportunity presented by social bookmarking. to explain in a follow-up article, I will present the "how-to, but here are five ways a website can benefit from social bookmarking.
Repeat Visitors: Considering that many people do not buy / register / contact / take action in their firstVisit to your site visitors need a return (not to mention laser-targeted prospects!) Visitors can access your site more repeat, if they can find your site again. This means that you bookmark your site, either on their computer or on the social bookmarking site of your choice. The more bookmarking options offer more, visitors will return more likely. Easier to do it for them on your site, most of them bookmarks. However, it is necessaryhave quality content, or any page you bookmark.
VIRAL Bookmarking: When someone bookmarks your site on their computers, share it with, well, himself. This is a private matter. But if a Web page as a bookmark on a social bookmarking is more "social". Other people will see it. Other people might not share. Other people may even prefer. Sites like, Ma.gnolia SpicyPage and are ideal for this. In fact, many of the largestUsers of a social bookmarking site often used by multiple users. However, it is really quality content, or nobody cares, that someone else has bookmarked your page.
VIRAL link: If someone sees your link to a social bookmarking site, they can bookmark ... could add to your site or blog or portal or fan. Suddenly a person other than the bookmark links to your site, presumably from sources of traffic is targeted. But youIn fact, the quality of the content, or nobody wants someone else favorite blogs.
SEO Link friends: Many of the SEO social bookmarking websites offer no direct value. The compounds may work nofollow attribute. Or the day could be set mea nofollow robots. Or you might not be your bookmarks to point to unique URLs. Os the links might use a redirect script that search engines do not follow. But there are some social bookmarking websites that offer SEO-FriendlyLinks.
SEO links to friends elsewhere, even if a link to a social bookmarking site is not SEO-friendly, not to underestimate its SEO potential. There is a complex sector growing for the game Digg and, knowing that if you bookmark a Web site can stay at home for an hour or two, will be dozens or even hundreds of inbound links from relevant blogs and Reasonably portals medium and fan sites. And this is love, of course, the link, the way the search engines! ThoughYou really have quality content, or their will link to your website just because they found post bookmarked?