Creating a Google document is simple. I shows the important steps below. But first, you may be wondering why you should create a document processor on Google and not on your computer to speak. There are several reasons that come to mind.
1. With Google Docs, you can access your documents from anywhere with an Internet connection.
2. Sharing files with others is very easy with Google Docs.
3. When you choose cooperationa document, Google Docs makes it easy to create. For example, you can write the article, but not how to change it. Editor, you can share your documents with Google, and can make the change to write to you.
4. Avoid the pitfalls of e-mail attachments, in particular the dangers of the virus.
For a company, there are more advantages to Google Docs, especially when it comes to sharing documents.
Here's how a GoogleDoc:
1. For documentation. Google. Com If you do not have a Google account, go ahead and create a. Then you should do some 'of consciousness to understand why you have not already great Google products like Gmail - the only e-mail that matters. If you have a Gmail account, you will still need access to Google Docs, but it will record the same information.
2. To create a document, click the New button in the menu bar at the top. This is a drop-down menu with several openOptions. Click on the document.
3. A blank, untitled document is opened. To give your document a title, simple) Click on the word Untitled logo in the upper left (above the menu bar directly under the Google Docs. Opens a new field that is allowed to change the title. Enter the title for the document and click OK. see that your song will now instead of Untitled.
4. You can go ahead and give the document to go on the blank page.
5. As you typeThe document will be saved automatically. If you close the program and forget to save, do not worry, it will be done automatically for you. You can also manually at any time by clicking the Save button that says at the top right of this shop. When you finish working on the document, you can click Save and Close.
If you and your document with the title is entered, then click Save and Close, you've just created your first Google doc. Congratulations! E 'was easy, was not. But the realThe beauty of Google Docs is that you can document with after you save it. Here are some quick tips that will be launched on some of these advanced features.
1. Share your document - you can share the document with the world or just with a friend or two. You decide who (Important note: documents in Google Docs is automatically private out of you. No one can see, but to say). At the newly created document, simply click onShare button that says Up on the right. This will give you a drop down list of possibilities to share. Experiment with these options.
2. Organize your documents - If you regularly with Google Docs, you want to organize them into folders. You must create a folder. You can have all the documents and folders from the main page of Google Docs. E 'on your browser to open even likely, that only you choose the card. If not open, you can openin the document by clicking on the logo of Google Docs, or you can document window and enter the new one. google. com.
Once on the main page of the document, click New and then Folder from the drop-down menu. I'm on a site where you give the folder a name to be taken. Do so and then click Save. They remain in the folder so that you click on all the elements in the upper left menu. This returns you to your wish listDocuments. To add a file in the folder you created, just find and then click and drag the new folder (with the left mouse button over the image).
Now click on the folder in the left menu. It will take you to the page folder with the new document in it. Note that Google Docs does not remove the document from the list of all items.
3. Find documents - Google is first and foremost a search engine. It should not surprise you that I willFind a document that you create very simple. Just type the name or keywords of your Docs document into the search box at the top of the homepage of Google Docs. Click on Search Documents and all documents will be displayed. This is particularly useful for less well-organized of us who do not take the time to organize our documents in the Utilities folder.
There are a lot more to Google Docs. This article will help you get started. Go ahead and discover the possibilities yourself, check andBlog
U.S. News announced its "annual list of the 30 best careers" Ghost Writer, and made the cut. Can you say "what has to do with me, I am a travel writer?" It has to do with you!
Think of the possibilities of writing that you wrote with your travel know-how, could write priority. Then write a travel guide or travel souvenirs. As a writer of travel could be useful in this type of project.
"U.S. News has sailedHundreds of career, job seekers with the best views in this economy into recession (and beyond), the highest satisfaction jobs, training less difficult required to view and pay the highest. These careers have Staying Power: smart moves are now, and will be smart move for the next few years "(U.S. News visit for more information).
If you want to write large and important target groups, then ghost writing is for you. Not only will you be paid wellYou have the opportunity to meet some interesting people. In addition, you have a flexible schedule and able to work from home.
The disadvantage is ghostwriting see your name in print. Unless you are a self-centered is right for you. On the other hand, if you get a heavy salary, you can forget it is a self-centered!
If you can write fast and powerful, could be a lucrative ghost-writing career for you. If you suffer from writer's block alltime, you can reconsider your position. It should also be good for interviews. You can use the facts? You will be able to get the harrowing details? Do not forget that your customers and your voice will be the center. Be willing to accept some stupid changes and rewrites.
Who can write? It could be for celebrities and politicians who have traveled the world writing. Consider writing for websites, family histories, and Aunt ElizabethTravel memories of their arrival in New York through Ellis Island.
If you have a talent for history, science, politics or business, have an advantage over other Ghost Writer. Supplement these with your travel know-how and you are on your way to success ghostwriting.
The downside of ghost-writing, your ideas are not written, and it's not your voice. But it would be a great experience and look good on your resume.
The key to a successful ghostwriter are:Write, read a lot of good writing and get feedback on your writing. When you do not put the feedback from the public into believing what they ask. These were the people who buy the book or audio CD!